In our review paper (Saftics et al. Data evaluation for surface-sensitive label-free methods to obtain real-time kinetic and structural information of thin films: a practical review with related software packages. Adv. Colloid Interface Sci, 2021) we introduce three software packages: (ⅰ) NBS-OWLSanalysis and (ⅱ) NBS-QCManalysis that allows for the evaluation of QCM and OWLS measurement data, respectively; and (ⅲ) NBS-Kinetics, which provides a kinetic analysis platform for evaluating any biosensor kinetic data, especially for characterizing adsorption kinetics. All the programs give a graphical interface where the different analysis steps are separated into tabs. The programs can be used both to load the measurement data, prepare them for the specific analysis (baseline- and offset-corrections), perform the evaluation based on the corresponding optical, mechanical or binding kinetic model, and finally to visualize data and save the results into processable formats.


In our other paper (Nagy et al. A custom Software for the Evaluation of Single-Cell Force-Spectroscopy Data Acquired by FluidFM BOT, IEEE 2021) we show a software specially developed in Matlab for the correct acquisition of InvOLS values of the applied FluidFM micropipette cantilevers, plotting and exporting of FD-curves and their parameters.